Section: Dissemination

Committees memberships

  • Jérémie Detrey was a member of the hiring committee for ATER positions in computer science (section 27) at Université Henri Poincaré (Nancy I).

  • Pierrick Gaudry was referee for the PhD thesis of Mehdi Tibouchi (ENS, Paris 7, Luxembourg), of Vanessa Vitse (Versailles) and of Thomas Izard (Montpellier). He was a member of the PhD thesis jury of Christophe Arène (Marseille), Gaëtan Bisson (Caramel) and Guillaume Batog (Nancy). He participated to the “Comités de selection” in Paris 7, Lille 1 and Nancy 1. He is the principal investigator of a Labex proposal about computer security that have been submitted to the second call. He is deputy director of the LORIA.

  • Emmanuel Thomé was a member of the program committe for the WCC2011 (Workshop in Coding and Cryptography) conference. He was elected as a member of the INRIA Evaluation Committee for the period 2011-2015. He was the advisor of Romain Cosset's PhD thesis, and a member of his PhD jury on nov. 7th.

  • Marion Videau is member of the scientific committee of the CCA seminar (Codage, Cryptologie, Algorithmes). She was a member of the PhD jury of Jean-René Reinhard (Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines).

  • Paul Zimmermann was a member of the Habilitation thesis of David W. Ritchie (Nancy), of the PhD thesis jury of Christiane Peters (Eindhoven), and of the PhD thesis jury of Julien Cojan (Nancy).